The first thing that you need to work on is going to be your ability to communicate. How can you make sure that the people around you are listening to you and getting the right kind of information that they need from you? Many people find that they are in a place where they need to shout to make themselves heard, and this is something that can make a huge difference to the way that the office is run. Instead of shouting, how can you best communicate urgency to the people around you? Remember that firmness is important as well as having an open door policy. While you do need to be the boss, remember that you are looking at something that can make a huge difference to the way that you move forward in the company.
Another thing that can help you develop your own leadership style is going to be your ability to move forward and to seek positive reinforcement. Remember that every company operates in a different way. Some companies pride themselves on running a tight ship, while there are definitely other companies that prefer a looser attitude. What kind of impression does the company that you are working for now really promote? Think about the company that you currently work in and how other supervisors deal with their employees. Are they proactive or do they prefer to have a certain degree of backup before they act? Learning things like this can help you fit in much more effectively than you would otherwise.
Finally, remember that leaders do not have to do it alone. Checking out who is interested in helping you can go a long way. One tip that you need to remember is that you should not ask for advice from people who are lower on the corporate ladder than you are. It shows that you are indecisive and that means that your leadership decisions might be problematic later on. Instead, take the time to make sure that you speak with leaders that you trust instead, and to see how things are done. This is something that can make a lot of difference and having a mentor on your side is something that can help you move forward with confidence.
Take some time to think about how your leadership style comes across and what you can do to make sure that you are going to be able to get ahead. This can really be something that pushes you forward, so don't miss out on what your options are.