Manger jobs mainly depend on his ability to complete the project on time. Manager career sometime has to face financial crisis. In the time of financial crisis he has to show his capability to adjust the budget within the limit and make the project completed with in the time given. In your initial stage of manger career you need to start your career with small project with small team. In the beginning of your manger career you not only have to train yourself but also train your staff and team members on the concept. You must keep yourself flexible with changes and risk but you need to have positive attitudes.
During financial crisis project manager jobs becomes tougher. Project manager has to save the project and complete the project instead of the tough economy running over the time. Project manger has to safeguard his manger jobs and as well as he has to save the project during tough economy. Financial crisis may arise due to sudden rise in the prices of materials and due to the non availability of tools in the country. Management career has better scope for the individual. Management career has long way to travel. You must have the potential to hold the job effectively during tough economy.