You can change your results — starting now.
An Old Formula That Gets Old Results
What happens if what we’ve learned about leadership is wrong? As we outline in our new book, Stomp the Elephant in the Office (Wister and Willows, 2008), too many people use an outdated approach to creating change — and it costs them, their colleagues, and organizations dearly. The traditional approach to change consists of four steps:
- One: Identify the problem.
- Two: Have an expert determine a solution.
- Three: Tell people how to change.
- Four: Try to overcome the resistance created by the first three steps.
- Revenue is lost.
- People turn themselves off so future change efforts are pointless.
- Confidence in leadership drops.
- Work relationships and job satisfaction plummet.
- Little progress is made.
But people are not flawed — it is the change process that is flawed. People do not resist change; they resist being changed.
It’s Simple: What’s Necessary for Change
Countless books have been written about change. But what if all you needed to know about successful change could be condensed into a formula that fits on the back of your business card?
While there are many subtle components, almost all the books on change essentially reveal three conditions that are invariably part of every effective change initiative. Together they constitute a tool that always allows and supports productive change — and it all fits on a business card.
The three conditions that support change are:
- Participants in the change process feel good about themselves.
- The process includes participants’ ideas.
- The process includes participants’ motivations.
Outstanding leadership has dual rewards: enhanced lives and greater profitability. For their use of this leadership tool, Bill’s organization received both. ''You could see the impact on our culture immediately. Even though times were tough, people responded to how we honored and included them. It was all the proof I needed that people want to be great.''
It’s probably no surprise that TP Mechanical’s bottom line changed next. ''In eight months we increased the volume in our pipeline by over five times. This provides us with the resources we need to expand and go after new markets,'' said Bill. And what is their greatest resource? ''Our energized workforce that now takes ownership of their results.''
Using the Three Conditions That Support Change
Utilizing these critical conditions for change are easier than one might think. Here’s what Bill and the team do:
To ensure that the process includes participants’ ideas...Bill's team asks questions. In most companies plans for execution are made in seclusion, sans the people who are doing the work. At TP Mechanical employees are asked, ''What ideas do you have to achieve this in less time?'' and ''What benchmarks do you want to use to measure your progress?'' With such questions the workforce sheds their robotic, minimalist approach, and the company gets thinkers who can adapt and drive projects themselves.
To ensure that the process includes participants’ motivations…the TP Mechanical team taps into what’s important to those they lead. In the average company, the ivory tower boss assumes the reason people want to do a good job is to make more money. This same person is then confused when he is hobbled by salary and monetary disputes. Conversely, the TP Mechanical leaders ask, ''What drives you?'' and ''Why is delivering excellence important to you?'' This takes people two steps beyond engagement, and one step beyond buy-in…to an ownership mentality that can’t be beat.
Using the three conditions that support change, Bill proves that the most critical change necessary is the change in how we lead. Instead of trying to change other people, Bill changed himself first, the process second, and the results followed.
Are you making leadership more difficult than it needs to be? What will you change today?
About the Authors
Stomp the Elephant in the Office, by Steven Vannoy and Craig Ross, employs the programs and concepts successfully implemented by Pathways to Leadership, Inc., which was formed by Vannoy and Ross. To find out how big the elephant in your office is, visit